Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I'm here to say to the girls of our nation: ASK NOT WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR CUNT,BUT ASK WHAT YOUR CUNT CAN DO FOR YOU!

Here ye, Hear me. It's time for your brief bustline of our feminine herstory. Once upon a time(actually,1792). Somewhere in England, Mary Wollstonecraft read The Rights Of Man, written by her buddy Thomas Paine and went, "What the fuck?". In response, Mother Mary wrote her version of the chick manifesto called A Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman, where she stated:

If woman be allowed to have an immortal soul, she must have, as the employment of life, and understanding to improve, and when she is incited by present gratification to forget her grand destination, nature is counteracted, or she was born only to procreate and rot. Yet if love be the supreme good, let woman only be educated to inspire it, and let every charm be polished to intoxicate the senses; but if they be moral beings, let them have a chance to become intelligent; and let love to man only be part of the glowing flame of universal love.

An instant best-seller it was not, but A vindication of the rights of woman was one of the first bricks in the foundation of feminisim. Ms. Mary blew the shofar for women's equality, for her right to work and to an education. In those days women were
meant to be seen not heard.

Naturally, all this activity in girlville made men nervous,and in many cases prompted them to ridicule, sneer, and jeer. The good gentlemen folk of a Philadelphia paper were so moved that they declared:

" A woman is nobody. A wife is everything. A pretty girl is equal to ten thousand men and a mother is next to god, all powerful..the ladies of philadelphia therefore, under the influence of the most serious sober second thoughts, are resolved to maintain their rights as Wives, Belles Virgins and mothers and not as Women."

Women were to remain subservient, cute, and mute.
We're at a point in time where we have the guts and the means to make choices, whether they are controversial or not. We're not afraid to analyze, dissect, and debate the minutiae of our love lives, our economic situation, nothing is too trivial or too political.

We've watched, listened, and learned. Now we do,do,do. We're bratty, we're angry, we're kool. There's room on our plates for all our goals, whatever they may be. Just take a ringside seat and witness the thrilla in Girlvilla:

As a wise woman once said; " If men could mensturate, Oh what a world this would be."

Just to leave this on a positive note: cause this is not a anti-man essay it's a pro-girl essay...but a word on boys...there are some amazing pro-girl guys out there, boys who are smarter than the average joe..these boys were typically raised by women..and they watched as little boys and took notes..mama said treat girls "right". make friends with girls..These enlightened boys are crush-worthy and more importantly us-worthy. And they deserve my recoginition...and so they have it!!!

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