Friday, February 19, 2010


Do men get it? To pharaphrase Simone de Beauvior: fist we must ask, what is man? Man is the appendage boy, the " x" factor, and the father spirit; he is the buddahafied beastie boy and the american gigolo; he is L.L. Cool J. and Will Smith; he is Kurt Cobain and James Dean, he is slick willie and Rambling Roger. He is Sugar Daddy and papa bear, Candy Man.He is a feminist and a misogynst, zeus and beezlebub, philander and monogamist, saint and sinner, anima and animus. He is a walking erection, a big spender, a lover, a husband, a partner, a child. He is all this and more, a heady package of myth and reality. Of good and bad that makes this luscious fuckable gender what they are.

Confusion abounds, "Manhood" needs to be redefined in a way that allows women equality and men pride. Our culture needs new ways to teach boys to be men. We could start our own girlie version of Network's battle cry. " I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore". Robert Bly, the iron jerk himself, seems to think that the second sex possess magical, mystical, albeit ultimately evil powers. Bly refers to women as a "force field" which depletes the male species of its Samson-like emotional and physical strength.

According to Simon Reynolds and Joy press in the Sex Revolts, Bly has this theory in which " a generation of young men-soft males have grown up confused and unhappy because women have sapped their energy and need a resurrection of male initiation rights to induct them completely into the instinctive male world. " This is exactly the Neanderthalesque mentality we must eradicate from the dialouges and behavior of men.

But all is not lost- there is some amazing progirl guys out there, boys who are smarter, better, than the average joe. These enlightened boys are crush-worthy, and more importantly, us worthy. When I think of my ideal guy(because there is no such thing as a perfect man): I think of what my father taught me: When boys are bad they need to be punished. They need to be taken to task for wrong doing. If a man hits you, report him. If a man is emotionally abusive toward you, leave him. If a man lies to you deal with him.It is our duty to challenge boys to be better human beings....

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