Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I went up to marylou's room. Looking up at the graffiti-covered shelf above her bed I wrote something scary about when the object of my affection, " Scoliosis boy", gets out of the hospital.

So what's to be done about my fatal attraction to Wonder Boy? He is still getting operated on. Maybe I'm in love with the idea of him. But I think he never loved the idea of me. I still like his squinty green eyes and his deep sort of voice, and his long unkempt brown hair...

This must be unfathomably boring to all of you. It's like a harlequin historical romance novel description, except scoliosis boy looks nothing like manly blonde warrior hero, roen, or Mysterious gaunt, dark-haired Delfonzo, the italian pirate.

I've had this stupid, stupid crush on Jason's friend for eight months now. And instead of replacing Wonder Boy, Jason just added reality to the whole sitiuation. I'm glad he did. I'm not expecting Jason to fall in love with me. But,Oh, how I miss my Scoliosis SweetTart..

I wasn't kidding when I told Jason and everyone that I like Boy Wonder. I like him: his crooked spine, his crooked teeth, his pale skin, his amazing sick, hilarious sense of humor. A humor exactly like mine except he's brilliant and a million times better at being funny.

The way he wonders around the room for no reason, his( pardon the adjective) manly nose and chin, his slacker philosophy,his profile, his faboulus ability to use profanity in a totally natural way. The way his voice softens when I oh-so infrequently talk with him.

I don't care about his teeth or his oily hair, or his tendency to drop things on the floor, then hit his head while reaching out to pick them up. I don't mind that some girls say he's a loser, whatever that means. Maybe he just won't ever care about me and my unrequited love for him.

Jason told me the latest news about Boy Wonder, he can bend over, walk and stretch and stuff. But he has to keep the metal rod in his spine til he stops growing.

Now my major question is: so what next, you idiot savant.( this is how I adress myself). Jason thinks I like him. I think I love my scoliosis buddy. I can't deal with Jason now. He's beautiful, but boring. I want my Scoliosis Boy, but he'll never be mine.But I can't be in love with him, because, believe me, that would scare him more than the decline anima in Western Civilization. This isn't what I had in mind, I didn't know I would fall head over hills in love with a comic book monger who has a severe case of scoliosis.

Oh, well, I'll get back to ranting later. To quote, another of my antiheroes: Death to the Weird.
In conclusion, I'm better off alone. At least until Monday...The Ominious End....

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