Friday, March 5, 2010


" Why pick on Jessica Simpson you might ask?", you might ask although you probally understand all too well). Is it because she is a subpar actress of limited ability, appeal, and intelligence? Is it because her personal life envinces a woman of coarse sensibilities and little sense. Or is it merely because she personifies all that women have been individually and collectively struggling against for the past three decades.

Certainly there are a number of celebrities congesting the pages of people magazine and our corridors of justice that are pratically crying out for my contempt. But there is something about Jessica Simpson's uniquely brazen vacuity that I find especially offensive.

That Jessica Simpson is neither really talented nor attractive is only part of the problem. She exudes not one iota of intelligence, strengths, or integrity, no matter what unlikely scenario script writers and directors have dreamed up for her.

While it's not terribly surprisingly that men would buy into this caricature of feminine sensuality hook(er), line, and sinker. Why are women colluding with this charade? Why is this skank being profiled in women's magazines, and being held up as a modern beauty career gal. when her entire being screams..sloppy seconds..Is it just Conde Nast, or has the entire world gone mad?

For me, Jessica epitomizes our society's predeliction for dressing up the skanky as sexy, the inane as art, and utter crap as none crap. So women of america join me in saying no to Jessica, Britney, and Paris and their whole mammary-augumented, stripper impersonating ilk. Worship women who, while they may dress like hookers don't necessarily always play hookers. And never ever plunk down another ten dollars to watch Jessica Simpson play another in that never ending parade of ditzy yet lovable trollops....

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