Tuesday, March 16, 2010


When I was twelve I had to switch schools and I hated it. I didn't know anything about guys then, but I knew you were supposed to desire them and they were better than horses and kitties. I'd been at school for a week. There was this guy and his name was Gary graff and he was really nice to me and sweet and cool and funny, and followed me around and everything.

So we went out to this place where everyone smoked and he kissed me and gave me this hickey on my neck. So then these two incrediably popular girls asked me where I got my hickey, and I was really proud, and I said, " oh, this guy Gary Graff." and they started laughing and cracking up. The deal was that Gary Graff was the biggest geek in school and everybody made fun of him. I didn't that to happen to me, so I ignored him. I did that to him.

This was one of my first lessons on vanity. Don't know why I'm thinking about gary graff..but I am...


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